Category Archives: Wellness

Best Skin Care Routine for Dry Skin: How to Stay Hydrated and Happy

While winter is generally associated with dry skin issues, a parched outer layer isn’t always a seasonal phenomenon; it can annoy us all year.

Dry, flaky skin is a bummer. And it isn’t always as easy as using the right products – there are lots of other factors that can contribute to dryness, from food choices to shower routines.

You’re made up of 60% water, so keeping that H2O on the inside is crucial for glowing skin and overall health and wellness.

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Are Millennials Receiving Adequate Mental Health Coverage?

Millennials are a lot of things: large in number, highly nontraditional, devotees of the almighty Google. A massive generation, we encompass everyone born between 1980 and 1999, which totals 80 Million+ Americans.

Unfortunately, we’re also a generation suffering from a lot of mental health woes.

Studies show Millennials tend to suffer from higher stress levels and mental health concerns than other generations. A 2013 study by the American Psychological Association and Harris Interactivefound that more Millennials have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety than any other living generation, and that we’re more stressed than any other living generation.

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Stop The Cycle Of Self-Loathing With 8 Practices

When we’re newborn babies, we’re fully, completely, unapologetically ourselves. We don’t beat ourselves up over belly fat, baldness or the occasional cranky mood. We explore the world with joy and curiosity, happy to be equipped with fingers, toes and eyes.

But as we grow, we’re overwhelmed with messages that we’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, funny enough, you-name-it enough. We believe the lies, and self-loathing starts to set in.

The truth is, each of us is utterly unique — a veritable snowflake of imperfection — and that’s a beautiful thing. Feeling better about ourselves is just a matter of remembering how amazing we really are.

So, when the insidious cycle of self-loathing strikes, here are eight ways to fight back:

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10 Natural Ways to Help You Beat Depression

If you suffer from depression, it’s likely you feel utterly, desperately — sometimes unbearably — alone. It is, after all, an illness of alienation. It drags you down, steals your joy, robs you of your energy and enthusiasm, and distances you from others.

But the truth is, you’re far from alone. More than 20 million people in the U.S. suffer from mood disorders. That jaw-dropping number is proof positive that there are millions of other people who share your pain, and I’m one of them.

I suffered from depression for 16 years. Though there were times I came close to giving up, I didn’t. And for those of you who feel you’re suffering alone, I want you to know that you’re not. There is help. There is hope. And there is a light at the end of the tunnel, I promise. Here’s how I found mine.

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